Foxes In The Wild

helping foxes in the wild northampton

Wild Foxes in Northampton & The Surrounding Areas

Whether you’re in the rural countryside, or in particular urban areas, foxes are a common sight. As one of Britain’s most popular mammals, you can be sure to come across a furry friend at any point in your life. 

If you have foxes in your area of Northampton or the surrounding areas, then the team at Tom Francis have created this handy guide that will hopefully answer some of those questions for you. Keep on reading below to find out more. 

foxes in the wild northampton

What You Should Do When Foxes Live with You

If you have foxes living near you and want to help them, then keep on reading. We can also provide with information if you’re trying to deter foxes from accessing your garden in a way that causes no harm to you or the foxes. 

Foxes are incredibly adaptable and can create a home in a varied range of places. They love overgrown areas and spaces that contain great amounts of foliage with room underneath garden sheds and buildings providing a great place for them to shelter. If you have found foxes living close by or in your garden, then they will have already found a good food supply. 

If you think it’s a good idea to feed the foxes you live with, then there are a number of considerations you should think about. They love large beetles, earthworms, craneflies, field voles, small birds, blackberries, apples and pears.

It is best to not make the foxes tame, as this will affect their overall performance and how they live in the wild. Never hand feed them or put out too much food, as this may cause them to stay put in the area. This could also cause issues with surrounding neighbours as the foxes may bury or defecate the food. 

northamtpon wild foxes

How Can I Deter Foxes From my Garden? 

If you’re looking for a way to deter foxes from your garden, then there are a number of things you can do that won’t cause any harm. This can include: 

  • Clearing away any windfall fruit and placing foods in bird feeders or other containers. This will help to deter foxes from scavenging in your area. 
  • Secure your dustbins and composters. 
  • If you have any pets that live outsides such as chickens, rabbits and other smaller animals, then it may be worth keeping them indoors at night or in very secure enclosures. 
  • Prevent access to overgrown places and areas they can shelter. You can also put up fencing and invest in some prickly plants to further discourage them from living in your Northampton garden. 

wild foxes in northampton

What To Do if You See A Fox In Need of Help

Did you know that as many as 1,000000 foxes could be killed and injured each year just from roadside incidents? If you find a fox that needs medical attention then contact your local RSPCA wildlife centre, and they will be there to help. 

If you have found a fox caught in a snare, then please do not try to free the fox. You not only risk hurting the animal more, but you could also badly hurt yourself. You should stay back and call a wildlife rehabilitation centre immediately, with details of the animal and your location. 

If you think a fox has been poisoned, then you should contact the Wildlife Incident Investigation Scheme immediately. It is currently illegal to poison foxes in the UK, and the organisation mentioned will look into the death of the animals found and who/where it may have come from. 

Get in Touch Today!

If you have any other questions about foxes in the wildlife, then get in touch with our team today. We will do our best to provide you with all the answers you need.